Monday, March 19, 2018

Spet je leto naokrog in na vrsti je tokrat že 11. Turizmijada, nepozabna in edinstvena izkušnja sredi Budve.

Tega dogodka preprosto ne smete zamuditi, saj gre za največje druženje študentov turizma na področju nekdanje Jugoslavije. Tisti, ki ste se je že udeležili veste o čem govorimo, zato vas pozivamo, da o svojih izkušnjah podučite tiste, ki se Turizmijade še niso udeležili.

Glavne aktivnosti na Turizmijadi so izobraževanje, športna tekmovanja in v prvi vrsti druženje s študenti turizma. 


Dan I: torek, 01.05.2018

Odhod iz Ljubljane (Dolgi most) ob 18. uri ter odhod iz Portoroža (avtobusna postaja pred Turistico) ob 20. uri. Nočna vožnja proti Črni Gori.

Dan II: sreda, 02.05.2018

Prihod v Budvo ter check in v hotelu BIP**. Sledi “Welcome party” za vse udeležence, kjer se boste lahko spoznali z ostalimi študenti turizma iz regije ter raziskovanje okolice v lastni režiji. Kasneje bo otvoritvena slovesnost Turizmijade, na kateri se bodo predstavile vse udeležene fakultete, ter skupinsko fotografiranje. Večer je namenjen spoznavni zabavi.

Dan III: četrtek, 03.05.2018
Otvoritev konference in predavanja številnih znanih akademikov iz vse Evrope, ki predavajo o izbranih temah. Začnejo se tudi športna tekmovanja, ki pritegnejo tako igralce kot gledalce. Več informacij ter končen urnik predavanj ter potek športnih tekmovanj boste prejeli naknadno. Zvečer sledi zabava v diskoteki Trocadero.

Dan IV: petek, 04.05.2018

Potekalo bo Case study tekmovanje, ki bo dopolnjeno s kvizom o globalni vpetosti turizma v gospodarstvo. Tekom dneva bodo ponovno potekala športna tekmovanja in zabava ob bazenu, imeli bomo prav tako čas za počitek na plaži in ostale aktivnosti. Zvečer sledi nova zabava.

Dan V: sobota, 05.05.2018

Ta dan je na sporedu zaključek športnih tekmovanj s spremljevalnim programom dnevne zabave. Zvečer sledi poslovilna zabava z razglasitvijo zmagovalcev in podelitvijo pokalov in tradicionalnim zaključkom, ki naj ostane presenečenje

Dan VI: nedelja, 06.05.2018
V jutranjih urah se Turizmijada za študente Turistice konča, poslovimo se od kolegov in Budve. Čaka nas še dnevna vožnja proti Sloveniji in prihod v večernih urah.


(za študente UP FTŠ del stroškov prevoza krije Študentski svet UP FTŠ Turistica s sredstvi za obštudijske dejavnosti):

A) 155,00€ - za študente Turistice, ki se prijavijo in PLAČAJO! vključno do 31.03.2018

B) 175,00€ - za študente Turistice, ki se prijavijo in plačajo po 01.04.2018

C) 175,00€ - za študente drugih fakultet



- 4 x polni penzion v Hotelu BIP **

- prevoz in cestne pristojbine,

- organizacija in spremljanje potovanja,

- kotizacija za konferenco,

- športna in intelektualna tekmovanja,

- turistična taksa,

- vstopi na zabave organizirane v sklopu Turizmijade

- Coris zavarovanje,

- DDV.


- Kavcija za morebitno škodo (5 EUR) - se pobira na avtobusu

Minimalno število udeležencev: 80 študentov

Maksimalno število udeležencev: 100 študentov

V primeru dodatnih vprašanj kontaktirajte organizatorja:

- Matic Paska,

Sunday, February 19, 2017


We are up for another unforgettable, unique and unrepeatable Turizmijada!

As tradition has it, each year in May, Turistica takes part in Turizmijada (an International congress for tourism students from the Balkan region) and this year will be no exception!

First, let us explain what Turizmijada really is. It is the biggest gathering of tourism and hospitality students from the Balkan region. Through participation in various educational and sports activities you will get to meet and connect with other tourism students and make friends for a lifetime. Below you will find more information about the programme.

Turizmijada is the place to be! If you don’t believe us, come and see it for yourself. 
Trust us, you will not regret it!


The opening of the conference and lectures of many well-known european academics with the main themes Digitalization and online marketing and Revenue management. For more information visit Turizmijada web page HERE.


This year Turistica will be the defending champion for the prestigious title called Most successful Faculty in the overall sports rankings. We will be competing in football, volleyball, basketball, handball, tennis, chess, etc. (The full list of sport activities will be provided for you later on and you will be able to sign up for participation).
Check HERE Turizmijada sport activities after movie. 


Be a part of the biggest part of tourism and hospitality students at the Balkans. Get lost in the rhythms of the amazing music which will be provided for us by our amazing DJs and rock bands (DJ Coske (CG) Tech House, DJ Pick a boo (HR) Funky/house tribal breakbeat, Dj Lucky Dee, Padrino bend, Otac Mihailo, and many other surprises). 
Check HERE Turizmijada after movie.

Prepare, get ready, bring your party spirit and turn the party mode ON!
Remember, Turizmijada  remains in the Erasmus memory forever!

Day 1: Monday, 1st of May 2017
Departure from Ljubljana (Dolgi most) at 6pm and departure from Portorož (bus stop in front of Turistica) at 8pm and a night ride towards Montenegro.

Day 2: Tuesday, 2nd of May 2017
Arrival in Budva and check-in in Hotel BIP**. Latter is “Welcome party” for all of the participants, where you can meet other students from abroad and explore the surroundings as you wish. In the afternoon there is an opening ceremony of Turizmijada on which all the participated Faculties will represent themselves. Further on there will be a group photoshooting. At 10pm starts the “Get to know each other” party.

Day 3: Wednesday, 3th of May 2017
The opening of the conference and lectures of many well-known european academics with the main themes Digitalization and online marketing and Revenue management. Throughout the day there will be various sport competitions.  You will get more information about sport competitions and the final schedule of the lectures subsequently. In the evening follows a party with live music.

Day 4: Thursday, 4th of May 2017
Our Case Study teams will present their paper and compete against other faculties.

Day 5: Friday, 5th of May 2017
Friday is a day for a new part of Turizmijada; Faculties challenge day. On this day, faculties will compete with each other in different topics: tourism, geography, sales and marketing in tourism, gastronomy and hospitality.

Day 6: Saturday, 6th of May 2017
This year’s Turizmijada is the 10th anniversary of Turizmijada, which is why the organizators gave participants one day of Turizmijada gratis! This day will be devoted to the final rounds of sports competitions and our athletes will need each and every one of you to come and help them on the road to victory. In the afternoon and evening we will be celebrating the 10th Turizmijada, have “Goodbye party”, announce the sports’ winners and have the award ceremony, followed by the party till the morning hours.

Day 7: Sunday, 7th of May 2017
Check-out at 8am and departure for Slovenia.

(a part of costs for transportation is covered by Students council of UP FTŠ Turistica):
A) 155,00€ - for Turistica students who apply and PAY! until including the 31tst of March 2017
B) 175,00€ - for Turistica students who apply and pay after the 1tst of April 2017
C) 175,00€ - for students of other faculties who apply and PAY! until including the 31st of March 2017

- 5 nights  full board in the Hotel BIP ** + 1 night  gratis
- transportation               
- organization and escortation of the trip,       
- quotation for the conference,
- sport and intellectual competitions,                         
- tourist fee,                            
- entrance fee for parties organized by Turizmijada,
- Coris insurance,      
- VAT         

-  Deposit for possible damage (5 EUR) - collected on the bus.
Minimum participants: 80 students
Maximum participants: 100 students

In the case of any other questions please contact  one of the organiser:
- Matic Paska,
- Kristina Taja Grünfeld,


Še eno leto je naokoli in na sporedu je že 10. nepozabna in edinstvena Turizmijada, ki se je bo, kot vsako leto, udeležila tudi Turistica. 

Tega dogodka preprosto nočete zamuditi, saj gre za največje druženje študentov turizma na področju nekdanje Jugoslavije. Tisti, ki ste se je že udeležili veste o čem govorimo, zato vas pozivamo, da o svojih izkušnjah podučite tiste, ki se Turizmijade še niso udeležili. 

Glavne aktivnosti na Turizmijadi so izobraževanje, športna tekmovanja in v prvi vrsti druženje s študenti turizma.


Dan I: ponedeljek, 01.05.2017:

Odhod iz Ljubljane (Dolgi most) ob 18. uri ter odhod iz Portoroža (avtobusna postaja pred Turistico) ob 20. uri ter nočna vožnja proti Črni Gori.

Dan II: torek, 02.05.2017:
Prihod v Budvo ter check in v hotelu BIP**. Sledi “Welcome party” za vse udeležence, kjer se boste lahko spoznali z ostalimi študenti ter raziskovanje okolice v lastni režiji. Kasneje bo otvoritvena slovensnost Turizmijade na kateri se bodo predstavile vse udeležene fakultete ter skupinsko fotografiranje. Večer je namenje spoznavni zabavi.

Dan III: sreda, 03.05.2017.
Otvoritev konference in predavanja številnih znanih akademikov iz vse Evrope z glavnima temama predavanj Digitalizacija in spletni marketing in Prodajni management. Čez cel dan bodo potekala športna tekmovanja v različnih športih. Več informacij ter končen urnik predavanj ter potek športnih tekmovanj boste prejeli naknadno. Zvečer sledi zabava z živo glasbo.

Dan IV: četrtek, 04.05.2017
V popoldanskih urah imamo Case study tekmovanje; vsi študentje so vabljeni, da pridejo poslušati, spodbujati ter navijati za naše predstavnike. Predstavitvam bo sledila tudi podelitev nagrad najboljšim predstavnikom Case Studyja. Tekom dneva bodo ponovno potekala športna tekmovanja, imeli bomo prav tako čas za počitek na plaži ter plavanje v morju. Zvečer ob deseti uri prične večerni tematski žur, ob peti uri zjutraj pa za vse najpogumnejše še after party.

Dan V: petek, 05.05.2017.
Petek je namenjen novi dejavnosti Turizmijade, saj je petek imenovan za Dan izzivov fakultet. Fakultete se bodo med seboj pomerile na več področjih: turizem, geografija, prodaja in marketing v turizmu, gastronomija in gostoljubnost.

Dan VI: sobota, 06.05.2017.
Ker je to jubilejna, 10. Turizmijada, so organizatorji udeležencem en dan podarili. Ta dan bo namenjen zaključnim tekmam naših športnikov, ki bodo potrebovali vse nas, da pridemo ter jih podpiramo na njihovi poti do zmage. Popoldne in večer bosta namenjena praznovanju 10. Turizmijade, zaključnemu žuru, razglasitvi zmagovalcev športnih tekmovanj in podelitvi pokalov najboljšim ter nato zabava do jutranjih ur.

Dan VII: nedelja, 07.05.2017.
Check-out ter ob 8:00h odhod proti Sloveniji.

(za študente UP FTŠ del stroškov prevoza krije Študentski svet UP FTŠ Turistica s sredstvi za obštudijske dejavnosti):
A) 155,00€ - za študente Turistice, ki se prijavijo in PLAČAJO! vključno do 31.03.2017
B) 175,00€ - za študente Turistice, ki se prijavijo in plačajo po 01.04.2017
C) 175,00€ - za študente drugih fakultet, ki se prijavijo in PLAČAJO! vključno do 31.03.2017

- 5 x polni penzion v Hotelu BIP ** + 1x gratis
- prevoz in cestne pristojbine,                  
- organizacija in spremljanje potovanja,       
- kotizacija za konferenco,
- športna in intelektualna tekmovanja,                         
- turistična taksa,                            
- vstopi na zabave organizirane v sklopu Turizmijade              
- Coris zavarovanje,      
- DDV.          
- Kavcija za morebitno škodo (5 EUR) - se pobira na avtobusu

Minimalno število udeležencev: 80 študentov
Maksimalno število udeležencev: 100 študentov

V primeru dodatnih vprašanj kontaktirajte organizatorje:
- Matic Paska,
- Kristina Taja Grünfeld,


Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Študente vabimo na predstavitev možnosti dela v Postojnski jami d.d
(delo v promociji, vodenje obiskovalcev, hotelirstvo, gostinstvo), ki bo
v ponedeljek, 5. dec. ob 12.00 v MP.

Monday, November 21, 2016

VABILO STA (Študentske tuirstične agencije) 

Študente in diplomante Turistice vabimo na predstavitev možnosti dela ali prakse v tujini preko STA (Študentske turistične agencije), ki bo
v četrtek, 24.nov. ob 13.00 v MP

STA je specializirana za posredovanje dela in izobraževanja v ZDA, Kanadi, Avstraliji, Novi Zelandiji, Vel.Britaniji, itd

Monday, November 7, 2016


Darwin operates in Florence since 1992, in the field of consultancy over entertainment, tourist assistance and event planning, as well as in the training of qualified resources.
We provide over 3500 entertainers and tourist assistants, that have been trained to work in resorts, hotels, residences, cruise ships and theme parks, in both winter and summer locations. We provide hundreds of destinations all over the world throughout the whole year, working together with the greatest names of international tourism.

We're ready to organize a new casting for students from Turistica. All interested students will fill in the form, enclosing the CV and a full-size photo. Then they will be invited to have first a skype interview. We can do this all year round.

We have a website in Italian and in English:

Monday, October 3, 2016

Student council and students of Turistica are inviting Erasmus students to join us on an International Congress in Novi Sad where we'll meet students of Tourism studies from former Yugoslavia all together in one place.

Student council of UP FTŠ Turistica with former Yugoslavia’s students is invating you to traditional student congress, which will take part in Novi Sad, Serbia, from the 25th to 27th of November. You will be a part of one of the biggest student networks with oportunity to make new contacts with students from foreign Tourism faculties from Balkan countries.

ITINERARY (27.-29.11.2015)

DAY 1: Friday, 25.11.2016 PORTOROŽ – NOVI SAD

The bus will start our way from the bus station in front of Turistica. Time of departure will be announced via e-mail. We will drive to Novi Sad during the night and arrive in the morning of 27th, when we will unpack at our hotel Stari krovovi. After that we will have a guided tour of the town. At 7pm we will witness a formal opening of the congress, which will be followed by international party #1 (at around 10pm).

DAY 2: Saturday, 26.11.2016 NOVI SAD

After breakfast we will do to the congress which will take place on “Faculty of natural sciences and mathematics” (registration at 10am). Theme of the congress if divided in four segments: cultural tourism, youth tourism, EU projects and IT tourism. On the congress there will be many lecturers that are experts in the fields, for example:

- Rob Davidson, Greenwich University, London, Great Britain
- Duša Kovačević, the director of EXIT festival, Novi Sad, Serbia
- Adnan Mehmedović, Fresh Island Fest, Split, Croatia
- Filip Đoković, Singidunum University, Beograd, Serbia
- Martina Anđelković, web marketing, EXIT festival
- Miodrag Kostić, MK Group, Serbia
- Dimitrios Buhalis, Bournemouth University, Great Britain.

Congress will finish at 6pm. At 10pm we will go to the international party #2!

DAY 3: Sunday, 27.11.2016 NOVI SAD - PORTOROŽ

After check-out from the hotel in the morning, we will drive to Slovenija. We will arrive to Portorož in the evening.


- bed and breakfast
- transfer with modern touristic bus
- 2-night stay in hotel Putnik / Vojvodina
- congress fee
- entrance fees for parties
- local guidance with a licensed guide
- health insurance with health assistance Coris

- security deposit for the hotel – 5€ per person (you will pay this on the bus)

- before departure check the weather forecast and dress appropriately to that

- take a VALID ID!! (Passport or identification card)

Minimum of 40 pax
Maximum 50 pax

The visit of the congress is co-financed by Student Council UP FTŠ Turistica. In the case of questions you can write to or