We startet our journey in London on thursday evening after exausting flight very tastefully in one of Jamie Olivers restaurants. You probably all know him, especially his lovely healthy dishes. If you dont know him, he is one of most known and successful chefs in the world who has five restaurants in London. We went to his famous Fifteen restaurant in central London, where we had the opportunity to taste his extraodinary dishes, with one eye closed looking at the prices, it was delicious and worth of every penny.
And the next day, on friday, the 10th of january was the first official day of our Mind the gap excursion. We had two guided tours of Londons attractions. Those were the mainstream five star Dorchester hotel and The Shard, which is the Europe tallest building, that opened last year and has the best view you could imagine.
Lets start slowly, at the beginning...Sleeping in different hostels we all met at the Achilles statue at the corner of Hyde park, known for its size and beauty. It is also situated next to the Dorchester hotel, whre we were warmly welcomed by the ambassador who took us on lovely tour throuought the hotel. By that we mean everything, from kitchen up to their restaurant, by which one has three michellin stars. One one more restaurant has it. We also saw three rooms, where we noticed the luxury that they offer. That is not surprising, because prices rate from 500£ up to 25.000 £ per night. Their services are produced by almost 1300 employees with perfect hospitallity knowledge. Our guide from Hungary was very nice and really knew what she was talking about. Everyone can be at my position in a few years. Ass tourism students that really gave us the motivation.
After our breathtaking experience at the hotel we contiuned our trip in The Shard, ass we sad the tallest building in Western Europe. At the highest point we were 400 meters above ground. Luckuly we had great weather and could saw the view that ranged tens of kilometres away.
Aproximatelly at two o clock our ways separated and we decided to visit one off biggest markets in London, but unfortunatelly is is open only on weekends. So then our main goal was to find the food. With our bellys full and a lot of time left we went to the Wembley stadion and do a bit of shopping on famous meka of fashion, Oxford street.
Still not satisfied with our attraction discovery we went to the Big Ben, the best part of parliament, right next to river Themes and the walk by London eye on the other side. We were very sad that it was not functioning.The the walk led us to the Picadilly area, which is like Las Vegas of London, the area that never sleps. The are many casions, musicals, cinemas and M&M s world. We all know those delicious chocolate candies.
Still not tired, the evening led us to one off pubs, next to our hostel,where we celebrated our successful exploring day.
We started our journey very well, with a bit of rain, and we really look forwars seeing what is waiting for us in day that are coming.
Pia Strahovnik, Filip Matjaz, Santin Sodin
London, 10.1.2013
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