Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Why does Brane Kastelic feel good in London?

“Iz Londona, za 24 ur, Brane Kastelic...”
(“From London for 24 ur show, Brane Kastelic...”)
... and this goes on for many years now! Why, Brane?

We asked ourselves this question when we, as ambitious tourism students, took of from the Italian airport (unfortunately not from Slovenian due to lack of international air-lines with other countries). What is holding Brane in London for so long? Whether it's Big Ben, the Buckingham Palace, London Eye or maybe the tense matches of England's Premier League ?

If we think about the most of Brane's reports in the Slovenian media we firstly get to his “extensive and informative” articles about the Royal Family, Adele, Paul McCartney, Susan Boyle... Yes, London is the city of glamour and entertainment. Our experience on the first day of our visit of London was exactly like this. On the brief visit of the Leicester Square we came across a pompous premiere of the film The Wolf of Wall Street where a large crowd had the opportunity to meet Leonardo Di Caprio and all the other creators of this notable film. Such events take place in London very often, which makes the city much different from the environment where we live (Slovenia) and where otherwise for more time used to live Brane Kastelic. 

Metropolis of London (yes, it is really huuuge) because of this enjoys the reputation of the place where something is always happening. During our exploring, we came to a metaphor that says London is like a giant amusement park, where visitors wander from attraction to attraction to enjoy and have fun. It can certainly be attributed one of the top tourist destinations. In general, the city breathes with tourism what tourist can notice at every step. Information boards, markings, helpful officials (all with pure excellency of English language :)) and the set of tourist attractions which are every year updated. People responsible for the development of tourism in London, are ensuring that the tourists will return.

Although London has more than 8 million inhabitants, we hope, that in the coming days, we somewhere meet Brane Kastelic to be able to confirm or rule out (or partially confirm) our hypothesis.

“Iz Londona, za Turistico, Anamarija Jukic, Sasa Levstik in Luka Gregoric (UNI 3).”
(“From London to Turistica, Anamarija Jukic, Sasa Levstik and Luka Gregoric ( UNI 3 ).”)

That's why we felt good in London:

(All photos are taken by Sasa Levstik)

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