Friday, February 14, 2014

From Idea to Realization, under Program „Youth in Action“!


From Idea to Realization, under Program „Youth in Action“, Action 1.1. 

Czech Republic 

From idea to realization is an international educative programme which will be held in the Czech Republic in April 2014. The whole duration is 10 days and the participants will arrive from 6 different countries all over Europe. The main topic is the entrepreneurship and cultural exchange. During the non-formal activities participants will improve their presentation skills, communication skills, will learn how to start their own business and will also have a great opportunity to create a new network of friends or future business partners from other countries. Thanks to different activities they will become more self-confident and will be more open to other cultures. All activities will be non-formal and the approach "learning by doing" will be used. 

The first weekend will be dedicated to getting to know each other and to present culture of participating countries. There will be also guided tours in Ceske Budejovice and Cesky Krumlov. Since Monday there will be two sessions a day which will cover the main topics of the project. The sessions will be divided into two parts – theoretical and practical part where the participants will have to fulfill some tasks. Every day during the lunch one country will prepare a short language lesson and will teach other participants some useful basic phrases. Evening programme varies day to day but the most interesting events will be an international evening and a barbecue in university campus. 

At the end of the project the participants will get two tasks – to prepare their own project and to prepare a short event for local high school students. During fulfilling these tasks they will be required to use the knowledge they gained during the whole week.

After the final evaluation of the project the participants will visit our capital – Prague. A guided tour will be prepared for them and they will also visit an Invisible Exhibition. The participants will spend the last night in Prague and on Sunday they will leave.

Energizers, icebreakers, role playing, case studies, workshops, discussions.

Main topics
How to start a business, creating a business plan, financing your business idea, presenting your idea, creativity, leadership, intercultural cooperation.

Communication language
English (level B2 preferred)


30 participants from 6 countries: Czech Republic, Slovenia, Poland, Portugal, Germany, Lithuania.

Group composition 
4 students and 1 leader. The leader accompanies the young people and is responsible for the whole group. His/her task is to participate in preparations and realization of the project. Gender balance is preferred.

Target group
Young people aged between 20 and 25 (exceptionally up to 29) years who are interested in Project topics.

Participant’s profile
Young active and ambitious students who are interested in business and intercultural environment.

University of South Bohemia, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic

In dormitories in the campus

70% of travel costs and 100% of accommodation and subsistence costs together with equipment, materials will be refunded by Program “Youth in Action”.

UP FTŠ Turistica as a project partner will select 4 students for the upcoming intensive programme above.

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